Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day!

We had a pretty good Father's Day this year! I wish I didn't have a broken leg because I couldn't really do very much for Jeff, but I did as much as I could! He had to help make his dinner, but he said that he didn't mind! He wanted my Chicken Enchiladas! He played a lot of X-Box (his favorite thing), and we played a lot of board games. Matthew and Kaity had fun playing Yahtzee with us!

Here's the gift that I made for him! I took the top off of his nightstand and I decoupaged a bunch of pictures on top of it! I got some pictures from when we were dating and then engaged and then some of when Matthew was a baby and then when Kaity was a baby and then some recent pictures of us!
Then I made these magnets for him! I know its hard to tell, but it has pictures of all of us inside the marbles! I thought it would be nice for when he has an office or something to have these magnets with picture of us!

Sorry the pictures are so bad. We still don't have a camera and I'm still working with cell phone pictures!


Sarah Ruth Ritchie said...

Nice work Heather! I think your gifts turned out GREAT!!! I am impressed at how good most of your pictures are turning out from your cell phone!

Anonymous said...

Dang girl. You are so good! Happy Father's day Jeff!