Today, Matthew finally got a haircut!! His hair was soooo long! It might not look that long in the picture, but I swear I think I could have given him a ponytail in the back! So I decided to take him in to a salon to get it cut rather than doing it myself, because he starts school on Tuesday and I wanted him to look nice!
Another update on Matthew is that he is now potty trained!! YAAAYY!!!!! We've kind of been of and on with potty training! I know consistency is everything, but when he starts screaming and crying and throwing the biggest fits just at the sight of underwear or the toilet, I decided to just let it go! Well, on Tuesday(Sept. 2) I woke up and told myself that he would be potty trained before school starts! That would give me a week! Today is the third day of it and no accidents! He's been doing super super good with it!! I'm very proud of him! My little man is growing up!!